
Nanoscale biodegradable printing for designed tuneability of vaccine delivery kinetics 

DJ Peeler*, R Sun*, C Kutahya, P Peschke, K Zhou, G Brachi, J Yeow, O Rifaie-Graham, JP Wojciechowski, T Fernandez-Debets, V LaLone, X Song, K Polra, PF McKay, JS Tregoning, RJ Shattock, MM Stevens (2025) Advanced Materials, accepted; pre-print @ bioRxiv (2024)

We introduce a novel family of PLGA-based resins for two-photon polymerization 3D printing, Spatiotemporal Controlled Release Inks of Biocompatible polyEsters (SCRIBE), and show how precise, top-down microparticle engineering can tune immune responses to encapsulated vaccines. 

Polyanion chemistry engineers saRNA nanoparticle structure and function from the inside-out

L Hu*, DJ Peeler*, T Jin, B Shao, J Doutch, J Yeow, A Najer, J Tang, H Barriga, C Liu, C Grigsby, A Alexander-Katz, RJ Shattock, MM Stevens. In preparation for submission

We used PET-RAFT polymerization to synthesize polyanion libraries with combinatorically varied properties for formulation of self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) ternary complexes. High throughput formulation screening of size stability (DLS), saRNA packaging (FRET), and cell uptake uncovered rules for polyplex surface charge reprogramming. Using Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS), Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy (FCCS), and Molecular Dynamics (MD) modeling, we describe the balance of coating polymer properties that are required to form charge-neutralized ternary complexes that can be re-targeted with affinity ligands.

The role of helper lipids in optimising nanoparticle formulations of self-amplifying RNA

BD Barbieri, DJ Peeler, K Samnuan, S Day, K Hu, HJ Sallah, JS Tregoning, PF McKay, RJ Shattock. (2024) Journal of Controlled Release 374:280-292. link

We demonstrated that human skin explants can be used to discriminate helper lipid-enhanced transfection of LNP-saRNA. Besides helper lipid effects, we also observed ionizable lipid-dependent immune responses in primary human PBMCs that differed from those in a commonly used monocyte cell line.

Lytic polyplex vaccines enhance antigen-specific cytotoxic T cell response through induction of local cell death

DJ Peeler*, A Yen*, N Luera, PS Stayton, SH Pun. (2021) Advanced Therapeutics, 4(8):2100005. link

We adapted a vector initially used for plasmid delivery to investigate how endosomal escape mediated by lytic peptides can augment anti-cancer cellular immunity generated by peptide antigen and TLR3 agonist delivery.

pH-sensitive polymer micelles provide selective and potentiated lytic capacity to venom peptides for effective intracellular delivery

DJ Peeler, SN Thai, YL Cheng, PJ Horner, DL Sellers, SH Pun. (2019) Biomaterials, 192: 235-244. link

We synthesized and screened dozens of lytic peptides and evaluated their ability to enhance endosomal escape and pDNA transfection in the brain when conjugated to a pH-responsive di-block copolymer.

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